T-113 - Two-Cherry Mushroom Pestle - SOLD
4¼″ x 2″ $32.
Mark Baldwin, Surry Maine
This charming little pestle will demonstrate its over-size power to grind (in any practical bowl) and to crush a garlic with its flat end. Besides all that, using this little baby is a captivating chore for a child.
Notice that there are two pieces of cherry glued together. The dark piece is from a log cut for WWI airplane propellers in 1915 but broke through the ice on Maine’s Green Lake when the woodcutters were towing a load to a sawmill. Scroll to T-003 on page 2 to see more about that. The lighter piece was cut and milled in the 1990s.
As this note is written there is a south-southeast gale blowing; the bay is full of white froth, minnows are jumping in a calm little nook in the marsh making brilliant white flashes among the hard-driving rain drops. It’s the kind of day you’re happy to be on solid ground, at the lathe.
Cost each: $32.00
Unit size: One of a kind